Local vs Not

Y’know I think for this project I might not roll my own things. I’ve been finding some good web-ui based options for generating captions and prompts and, at least for some things, I won’t have to go through the annoyance of running something locally. Here’s a nice example from Clip Interrogator on Huggingface that produces some interesting output I could use.

screenshot of clip Interrogator making a prompt from a log covered in trukey tails

I might even go back to my old computer and use my interactive GPT-2 option installed there. Its older, and it breaks amusingly, but that’s what makes it fun. There could be some old code I translate to a new environment and newer models, but maybe….maybe I don’t have to. I’ll think about it.

Starting Up Again

Well, looks like I’ll be dusting off this blog and starting it up again. I received some funding to look at generating a zine w/ AI using a method I was doing beforehand. It involves manually re-feeding things into a model until it breaks. Anyways, this means I have to figure out how to get some older things working on newer hardware, and start setting stuff up again.

I’ll be honest in saying that I haven’t used this side of my brain for a while now. I sort of needed to shelve any tech stuff I was doing for a long while and focus on other things in my life. Its a bit strange coming back to terminal windows and bits of code after literally years of doing other stuff. It almost feels like I’m meeting a stranger. Plus my brain feels a bit like a rusty crank. But honestly, I did really need some time away from things.

During that time, I did a lot of walking, and I took a lot of photos of my local environment. This zine is using that for content, its called Local Loops and I’ll be using this blog to do some documentation (and maybe some rambling).